Friday, April 30, 2010

Heat Stress In Older People And People With Chronic Diseases

People over the age of 60 are the most vulnerable to heat waves, with 82% to 92% more deaths than average occurring in this age group. Risks for heat-related illness or injury – such as heat stroke, heat exhaustion and heat cramps – are also heightened in people with obesity, heart disease, diabetes and respiratory conditions as these decrease the body's ability to adapt to temperature changes.

People of lower socio-economic groups, lower levels of education and those who are socially isolated have a greater risk of mortality. Air conditioning is associated with a risk reduction of 80% and working fans with a 30% reduction. Housing may be a factor as lower income people often live in crowded or poor-quality housing, with inadequate ventilation and cooling systems. Homeless people are at risk because of lack of shelter from extreme heat and often also by underlying physical or psychiatric issues.

"New research should focus not only on filling these gaps in the science-based information but also on developing clinical guidelines for health professionals to facilitate the giving of advice to patients."

how can we prevent elderly people from Heart Stroke???

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Nurses Open To Idea Of Robots

new invention- welcome sensors and robots technology in the nursing homes and homes for the elderly people. Robots and sensors will enable elderly people to stay longer in their homes. With these new technology, Robots and sensors help the the nurse in there staff, regard cleaning, and moving, and lifting patients. it concluded that the development and introduction of new technology should take place in such way that the level of social support.

*do u believe that robots can help us in our career?
*do robots will change the life or opinion of the people, specially the elderly one?